A few days ago, on an email exchange used by solution focus practitioners, mostly based in Europe, a woman named Victoria, who lives in Kyiv, Ukraine, posted the most breath-takingly brave and courageous and strong email. It took my breath away that someone sitting in the middle of a city under attack by an indescribable villain could speak with such calm and humility and with such an open heart.

I responded immediately, as did many others. We all were in awe of who she was and how she was living when her life was completely upended.

After several days of people replying, Victoria responded to the group. She started with an apology! Her internet is, not surprisingly, intermittent and she had not been able to reply sooner! Victoria finished by saying she would write to each of us individually.

A day or so later I received a thoughtful email from this woman which continued in the vein of her first two, wise, intelligent, looking for the best in the situation and instead of asking “why” did this happen, was asking “what FOR” is this happening?

This wonderful human being, stuck in the middle of a terrible war, crossing my path at this time with such a powerful and warm presence, has helped me to be filled with gratitude for where I am (which I already appreciated and now is over-the-top) and to donate generously to the Red Cross fund for Ukraine.